Project description:

As part of the project, a building with two floors above ground, without a basement, with a flat roof surrounded by an attic with internal installations was constructed. The building was made in traditional brick technology with a built-up area of 518.01 m2, a usable area of 511.12 m2 and a volume of 2732.90 m3.

The project consisted of the following tasks:

The constructed facility consists of rooms for the needs of a day care home for the elderly and partly (17.1% of the total usable area of the facility) administrative rooms of the Social Welfare Center in Wolsztyn.

The building includes e.g. such rooms as: a residence hall, an exercise room, a rest room, a nurse's room, social and sanitary rooms, administrative rooms. A recreation area for the users of the facility was created around the building.

This is the first such facility in the Wolsztyn Commune.

Beneficiary: Wolsztyn Commune

Program: WROP 2014+

Fund: European regional development fund

Total value of the project: PLN 2 015 788.33 

EU contribution: PLN 1 220 577.89

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