Project description:

The subject of the project was a comprehensive modernization of the exhibition pavilions and the permanent museum exhibitions located in them, as well as the storage of the collections of the National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural and Food Industry in Szreniawa.

The project included:

- preparatory work for the development of projects (including, among others, the development of a functional and utility program, the development of a complete set of modernization projects for pavilions and warehouses, and the development of a complete set of modernized exhibition designs),

- expert opinions, studies and advisory services (including, e.g. preparation of Terms of Reference, advice on public proceedings, feasibility study),

– modernization of 9 museum buildings,

– adaptation of 8 museum facilities to the needs of people with disabilities,

– modernization of 10 permanent exhibitions,

– increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region and increasing tourist traffic,

– improvement of harvest storage conditions (purchase of environmental conditions meters and humidifiers).

As a result of the project, 8 facilities were adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, and 26 fixed assets were purchased/produced (including 10 permanent exhibitions).

As part of the project, some of the museum objects, to be exhibited at the modernized exhibitions, were additionally individually under conservation (the objects for conservation were selected during the implementation of the project, after the modernized exhibition designs were developed and the final decisions were made as to the selection of museum objects to be displayed at the exhibition).

Beneficiary: National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural and Food Industry in Szreniawa

Program: WROP 2014+

Fund: European regional development fund

Total value of the project: PLN 13 422 786.76 

EU contribution: PLN 9 179 709.95

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